Завдання з англійської мови 1 - 9 клас
Завдання з англійської мови на тиждень 1 - 9 клас - документ у ворді. Можна скачати
Завдання на тиждень (16-19 березня) з англійської мови
1 клас:
Тема: Іжа. Розпізнавати і називатифрукти/Вимовановихслів.Повторити кольори.
Слова – bananas - банани
Grapes- виноград
Strawberries - полуниці
Oranges - апельсини
Carrots - моркви
Rice - рис
Eggs - яйця
Beans – боби, квасоля.
I like … Мені подобається….
Listen to and repeat. Слухаємо та повторюємо.
Вставити пропуски у словах, які вчимо.
2 клас
Тема: Іжа. Food. Розпізнавати і називатипродуктів харчування.Вимовановихслів. Вивчити нові слова. Повторити цифри/вік.
Сhicken – курятина
Lemonade- лемонад
Juice - сік
Sweets- солодощі
Fruit- фрукти
Yogurt- йогурт
Cake- торт, тістечко
Pizza- піца
Salad - салат
Do you like….? Yes, I do. Тобі подобається…? Так
Do you like….? No, I don’t. Тобі подобається…? Ні
Запитуємо та відповідаємо за зразком впр. 6, с.87.
Читаємо вірш впр.5, ст.87
Listen to and repeat. Слухати та повторювати.
3 клас
Тема: Розпорядок дня.
Виконати впр. 1, с. 106.
Виконати впр. 2, с.106.
Описати усно події на малюнках впр. 3, с.107.
Розповісти про свій ранок за зразком впр. 5 (1 картинка)
Дати відповіді на запитання впр.4, с. 107.
Розіграти діалог (з уявним другом), хто що робить о якій порі дня за зразком мовленнєвих структур (картинка 2).
Домашнє завдання - Заповнити пропуски впр. 5, с.107
4 клас
Тема: Вулиця,на якій я живу.
Звернітьувагу: говорячиtown ми швидшемаємо на увазіневеликемісто, а коли мовайде про великому, то кращевжитиcity. Так як ви живете в сільськіймісцевості, то тоді вам потрібноописатисвоє село – village.
- Small – маленький.
- Big – великий.
- Huge – величезний.
- Building – будівля.
- Modern – сучасний.
- Airportаеропорт.
- Cinema – кіно.
- Theatre – театр.
- Stadium – стадіон.
- Library – бібліотека.
- Zoo – зоопарк.
- Park – парк.
- Bridge – міст.
- Memorial – пам’ятник.
- Square – площа.
- Street – вулиця.
- Area – район.
- Placesofinterest – пам’ятки.
- It is famous for – вінзнаменитий.
- Many famous people were born and lived here – багатовідомихлюдейнародилисяіжилитут.
Давайте складемоприклади з деякимивищепереліченими словами і спробуємоописатизовнішнійвигляд.
I live in a small town. – Яживувмаленькомумісті.
There is a big airport near my town. – Поручзмоїммістомєвеликийаеропорт.
There is a huge zoo in my city, children and adult like to go there. – Вмоємумістієвеличезнийзоопарк, дітиідорослілюблятьтудиходити.
I like to go to a park and feed squirrels there. – Меніподобаєтьсяходитивпаркігодуватитамбілок.
My town is not very big, there are only two cinemas in my town. – Моємістонедужевеликий, вньомуєтількидвакінотеатри.
There are a few famous buildings in my town. – Вмоємумістієкільказнаменитихбудівель.
Звернітьувагу: назвивулиць, площ, парків, аеропортів, будівельімостівмивживаємобезартикля.
There is a big bridge in my town, we call it Main bridge. – Вмоємумістієвеликийміст, миназиваємойогоГоловниммостом.
Також, можливо, поручрозташовуютьсятакіприродніоб’єкти:
- River – річка.
- Sea – море.
- Lake – озеро.
- Wood – ліс.
- Mountain – гора.
- Strait – протоку.
- To be surrounded by – бутиоточеним.
До речі, назвигір і озер пишуться без артикля, а от з іменамирічок, морів, проток і океаніввінпотрібен.
There is a mountain in the center of my town, which is called Mithridates mountain after the king of Pontus. – Вцентрімогомістаєгора, яканазиваєтьсягораМітрідатначестьПонтійськогоцаря.
My city is surrounded by woods and mountains. – Міймістооточенелісамиігорами.
Д/з – вивчити нові слова та описати своє село (можете і Красилів, там є більше об’єктів) - 5-6 речень.
5 клас
Тема: Музей історії та мистецтва в Пархомівці. Севастополь.
Виконати впр.1, с.156
Виконати впр.2,3, с.156-157.
Виконати впр.4,5, с.157-158.
Опрацювати впр. 1,2 с. 158-159.
Д/з. Впр.6 с 160 та впр. 6, с.158.
6 клас
Тема: Лондон.
Виконати впр.4, с.134, впр. 1, 133, впр.6, с.135.
Виконати завдання. Вставити пропуски.
Д/з. Написати лист про візит до Лондону.
7 клас
Тема: жанри фільмів. Відвідування кінотеатру.Кіно та театр у нашому житті «Cinema and Theatre in our Life»
What kinds of films do you like to watch?
- Гра “Listen and Guess the Word”
- A kind of film telling about the life of cowboys in America. (a western)
- A film that is funny or has a happy ending. (a comedy)
- A kind of film about dangerous and exciting situations. (an adventure film)
- A kind of film telling about some military events. (a war film)
- A person who comes to the cinema to watch some film. (a viewer)
- A set of events in any story or a play. (a plot)
- A film using drawing and not real people or animals. (a cartoon)
- A film about life in the future, often describing space travel and life on other planets. (a science fiction film)
- A place in the theatre where actors and actresses perform the plays. (a stage)
- A theatrical performance where actors express their feelings with the help of dance. (a ballet)
- A performance in which the actors sing instead of speaking. (an opera)
- A person who comes to the theatre to see a performance. (a spectator)
- A place in the theatre where you can buy tickets for the performance. (a ticket booth / a ticket box office).
I.Pre – Reading:
1) What do you usually do at your leisure time?
2) Do you go to the cinema? What films do you like to watch there?
3) Have you ever been to the theatre? What did you like in the theatrical performance?
4) Is it easy to be an active participant of the performance or the film you watch?
- various – різний
- prefer – віддавати перевагу
- thriller –трилер
- show – сеанс
- to invent - винаходити
- “talkie” – звукове кіно
- to project pictures – проектувати картинки
- cinema bill – афіша
- to award – нагороджувати
- complicated – складно
II.While – Reading:
III.Post – Reading:
- Answer the questions:
- How was called the first machine with moving pictures in 1891?
- When did the Lumiere brothers give the world’s first public film show?
- How was called the first “talkie” film?
- What kinds of films do you know? Name them.
- Who works on making a film? Name them.
- Where do we buy tickets?
- What prizes are the best films awarded?
- Prepare your monologues about the cinema. Use questions as a plan.
- Читання діалогу “A Conversation”.
A Conversation
- Hello! How are you?
- I’m fine, thank you. Tom, are you free on Friday evening?
- Friday evening?
- Sorry, I’m busy on Friday. But what’s the matter?
- I’d like to go to the cinema and I hoped you would join me.
- And what is on?
- A new comedy “Crazy Cousins” is on at the “Plaza” cinema. It must be very funny.
- Henry, can we go to the cinema some other day?
- No problem. Is Saturday OK with you?
- Yes, I’m free on Saturday.
- Then, I’ll buy tickets. What row do you prefer to sit on?
- Not very close to the screen. I think, row 12 or 13 will be fine.
- As for me, I think row 12 will be better.
- I don’t mind, Henry. What time shall we meet?
- Let’s meet at a quarter to six in front of the cinema.
- Good. Bye then, see you on Saturday.
- See you, Tom.
- Розвиток умінь мовлення
T.: ---- We have already known much about cinema now let’s speak about theatre.
Answer the questions:
- What kinds of theatrical performances can spectators watch at the theatre?
- Where can the visitors buy their tickets?
- Where can you leave your coats and hats?
- Who meets you at the entrance to the theatre hall?
- What can you see inside the theatre hall?
- Where do the musicians sit?
- Are there any intervals in the play? What do the spectators do during the intervals?
T.: ---- Now you will work in groups. Put the parts of the joke into the correct order. Comment on the joke.
---- A man was at the theatre.
---- The man was sitting behind two women who were continuously chattering.
---- Learning forward, he tapped one of them on the shoulder.
---- “Pardon me, Madam,” he said, “but I can’t hear anything”.
---- “You are not supposed to -- this is a private conversation”, she said
Д/з. Скласти діалог про відвідування кітотеатру або про улюблений фільм/стрічку.
8 клас
Тема: ЗМІ.
Виконати впр. 1, с.182.
Доповнити впр.2, 3 с. 183.
Вивчити нові слова – с.183.
Виконати впр. 4, с.184.
Повторення граматичного матеріалу:ActiveandPassiveVoice, QuestionsTags.
а)ReviseGrammarmaterial. Put the verbs in the brackets into Active or
Passive Voice. Choose the correct answer.
- This play _______________ (to perform) in our theatre last year.
a) was performed b) is performed c) were performed
2) The actor ________________ (to become) famous in 1996.
a) will become b) is becomes c) became
3) When ___________ the theatre _____________ (to build)?
a) was ___ built b) did___ built c) does ___ build
- The spectators usually______________ (to bring) flowers to the actors.
- brings b) bring c) brought
- Theatrical reviews ____________ (often to write) by theatrical critics.
- are often written b) is often wrote c) were often written
- what play ___________ (to describe) in today’s newspaper?
- Were described b) described c) is described
- what kind of performances _____________ (usually to show) in this theatre?
- were usually shown b) are usually shown c) will show
- How many plays ______________ (to stage) by your Drama Club last year?
Were staged b) staged c) are stage
b)Make question tags.
1) It’s a huge western style theatre, ________________?
2) You haven’t seen a new play this month, _____________?
3) The guests don’t sit on soft seats, _________________?
4) He can become a famous comedian, _______________?
5) There were a lot of people at the theatre, _____________?
6) She isn’t watching a comedy now, _______________?
7) He hasn’t been to a new theatre yet, __________________?
8) My Dad used to like cartoons when he was a small boy,_________?
9) This film won the Grand Prize at the Cannes Film Festival, ______?
10) The seats are placed on the steep stands, ______________?
9 клас
Тема: Великобританія.
1. Who is the owner of one sixth of the earth land surface?
2. How many countries and overseas territories does the UK comprise? What are they? What has got each country?
3. Who spends 1 billion pounds?
4. What did Elizabeth celebrate on the 9th of September 2015?
5. What was the English slogan during the Nazi invasion of the UK?
6. What is the most famous drink of the British people?
7. What are England and France connected by?
8. Why is Big Ben famous for?
9. What does London have as the first city in the world?
10. Why are people interested in Loch Ness? Where is it situated?
2. Читаннятаскладаннядіалогуупарах
You can see a dialogue “At the travel agency”. After reading this one as an example you should work in pairs and make a similar one writing it down into your copybooks. Then you should play it in roles.
- Hello! The travel agency “Join up!” is greeting you. Can I help you?
- Yes! I’d like to get a package tour in Britain. Do you have something for June?
- Just a minute. Oh, yes. We’ll have one for you.
- How many days is it?
- 7 days & 7 nights.
- Ok. What does this tour include?
- A lot of excursions. You can visit all the countries of the UK. Among the landmarks there are Belfast castle, Stonehenge, the Giant’s Causeway etc. It will be a survey tour I guess.
- Can you give me your tourist brochure? I want to know much information about the tour and the prices.
Each student gets the card with the riddle and the number (1-12). Their task is to guess the word and to write the first letter of it on the blackboard in the square marked by the number the student has in his/her card.
G1 |
R2 |
E3 |
A4 |
T5 |
B6 |
R7 |
I8 |
T9 |
A10 |
I11 |
N12 |
(Students guess the riddles, go to the blackboard and write the letters as far as they know the answer. If there are difficulties, the class helps. 4 min)
The riddles
- It is green and everywhere on the ground seen. (Grass)
- It is a very beautiful sweet smelling flower, a flower of love, but with thorns. (Rose)
- This is the biggest animal in the world that doesn’t live in water. (Elephant)
- This fruit grows on an apple-tree. (Apple)
- A hot drink that is made of leaves and is very popular with British and all over the world. (Tea)
- The animals that can fly. (Birds)
- In Ukraine it’s the Dnipro, in Britain it’s the Thames. What’s this? (River)
- It is cold and very tasty. It can be vanilla, chocolate and with jam. (Ice cream)
- A person who teaches you at school. (Teacher)
- They also live on the earth but they are not people. (Animals)
- The international computer net. (Internet)
- 1,2,3,4,5… They are … (Numbers)
Now you know the topic we are going to speak about. It is Great Britain.
I really have much to tell you and there will be a series of lessons dedicated to Britain. Today we shall learn basic facts about this country and especially about its geography. And at the end of the lesson there will be a short test in order to check your work. OK! Let’s go ahead!
First look at the sentence.
"Great Britain" has several different names, some people say "Britain", or "the United Kingdom", or just "the UK".
How many names of the country are mentioned?
What do you think is the official name of the state?
What is the abbreviation?
Remember to use the article where necessary. If the name of the state consists of several words, it is used with the article “the”: The United Kingdom. Great Britain is the name of an island, that’s why it is used without an article.
Now when you know the name of the state, look at the map of it. Listen to a summary and then be ready to correct the mistakes in the sentences.
There are four different countries in the United Kingdom: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Altogether more than 56 million people live in Britain, many of them in big industrial cities like London, Liverpool and Manchester. Northern Ireland is situated in the northern part of Ireland. The territory of the United Kingdom is about 244 square kilometers and it takes the 75th place among other countries in the world. The capital of the country is London.
Now look at the sentences and correct them if necessary.
- There are five different countries in the United Kingdom.
- Altogether more than 56 million people live in Britain.
- Northern Ireland is situated in the northern part of Britain.
- The territory of the United Kingdom is about 422 square kilometers.
- The capital of the country is London.
OK. Let’s move on and add some facts about the geographical position of the state. Now, can I ask you to make three groups? Each group gets:
- the geographical map of the UK;
- short information about mountains, rivers or waters that wash Great Britain;
- new words with the transcription to help you to read new geographical names.
Please read the texts and get ready to tell the class what you have learned. Remember that everybody has to tell us at least one sentence. While you work I come and help with the pronunciation of the new words. So, begin, you have some minutes. (5 min)
The task for group 1:
Great Britain is separated from the continent by the English Channel, the narrower part of which is called the Strait of Dover. The British Isles are surrounded by the shallow waters of the Irish Sea and the North Sea, the North Channel and the Atlantic Ocean. Britain is comparatively small, but there is hardly a country, in the world where such a variety of scenery can be found.
The English Channel - пролив Ла-Манш
The Strait of Dover- пролив Па-де-Кале
BritishIsles- Британські острови
TheIrishSea- Ірландське море
The North Sea- Північне море
The North Channel- Північний пролив
The Atlantic Ocean- Атлантичний океан
- With pleasure. I think you’ll enjoy your choice. You won’t be disappointed!
Let’s sum up the results of it. I want you to say me what you’ve remembered, what interesting you’ve learnt in this topic.I’d like you to express your feelings and impressions after the following plan:
- I knew …
- This information let us to …
- I’d like to travel to the UK because …
- I’d like to see …
- I dream …
- I felt most difficulties with …
Написати листа своємуанглійському другу, коментуючисвоївраженнявідшкільноїподорожі до ВеликоїБританії (приблизний план листа учнізнайдуть у впр.8 с.187підручника)